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Ibm vse jcl manual. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Wiley Self-Teaching Guides JCL for the IBM VSE Systems A Self-TeachingSample ASMXREF z/VSE JCL (part 2 of 3) IF $RC > 0 THEN GOTO LOGIT /* // DLBL SYSPRT,'%%SYSPRT',0,VSAM,DISP=(NEW,KEEP), C RECORDS=(1000,500),CAT=cat_name Not shown in the diagrams are CA Dynam/D extensions often seen in VSE JCS A JCL Job Deck consists of a JOB card (appears to be optional in some systems) This book combines the information from more than a dozen IBM manuals to teach you what you need to know about JCLand about your VSE system. All file names in the TLBL statements must uniquely identify a data file. The same file name cannot refer to two different data sets. Review all JCL. to make
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